Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Recipes I must try

Odd as this may seem, given that I'm writing for a food blog the best food blog ever (rep-re-sent, people), I don't do a lot of cooking. One of the reasons I'm so excited to be working for the site is because it'll pull me outta my comfort zone and force me to make more than a grilled cheese or some absolutely delicious Pankeggs.

With that in mind, here are some recipes I have GOTTA take a crack at as soon as I get my lazy butt off the couch and into the kitchen.

Fat-Free Honey Granola Bars. Yeah, nothing special, but I'm sick of being under the yoke of Quaker Chewy's fake-healthy food. I want something I can snack on that's filling and not loaded with preservatives or chocolate chips!

But on the subject of chocolate, these chocolate cupcakes from She Bakes and She Cooks look positively heavenly. From the described texture to the nutella frosting, they're designed to make my stomach rumble, demanding tribute.

And while we're still on desserts, I want to whip up some of Thomas Jefferson's Ice Cream like Slashfood recommends. Problem is, I don't own an ice cream maker. Do I really need one? The recipe says you can just stick it in the freezer, but I imagine without the churning it won't be nearly as good.

But wait, tomorrow's the 4th! I should be grilling up some burgers! Right you are (or I am, since I'm typing this). Had I a meat grinder and a healthier lifestyle, I could justify eating perhaps one of these literal Bacon Cheeseburgers I saw on A Hamburger Today--still my favorite culinary find in the blogosphere by far. As it is, I might be able to get away with a few of these Firecracker Burgers instead.

And since my ladyfriend's a staunch vegetarian, I MUST cook the Ribz pictured on Fat-Free Vegan Kitchen for her. But that won't happen tomorrow, because I'll be too busy eating actual meat.

All day.

Happy 4th, everyone!