Monday, March 5, 2007

Almost a year ago I went to my doctor for a routine screening. I figured it was no big deal as I’d managed to live almost half a century without having a significant health problem. Plus, despite being overweight, I had yet to develop any of the obvious health problems associated with it. So I was extremely shocked to find out my blood pressure was 130/95.

I had never had high blood pressure, even during three pregnancies. This sent me to Weight Watchers right after my appointment. During the next 6 months I dropped a lot of weight and my negative attitudes toward “light” foods. I found that you can cook without butter, creams and meat and still have bountiful flavor. Check out some of these delicious meals that are as good as they are good for you.

And what’s the net result of all this dietetic change on my life? Well, besides the outward appearances, I also managed to drop my blood pressure back to 110/75 and my cholesterol to within normal limits. So the next time you think you can’t lose weight or change your cooking habits, just remember to take it one day at a time. You’ll get there eventually. Have a tasty week.