Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Glory of Caffeine

I am not a highly caffeinated person. I do not need a cup of coffee in the morning nor do I ingest cans of pop during the day. In fact, I rarely crave the jolt and am usually quite content with plain and simple water. But today, caffeine is my savior. I was fading fast at my desk at work, going into food coma after an unbelievably satisfying curried lunch of Indian food, when my illustrious co-blogger Caley offered me some of her Chocolate Tea. (She recently joined the Adagio Tea of the Month Club and gets these fancy new teas in the mail, which she generously shares!)

Now you may be perplexed by the idea of chocolate tea. For a chocoholic such as myself, the smell was intriguingly rich with the distinct aroma of brewing chocolate-flavored tea. The flavor is subtle, yet strong and can get bitter if the leaves are left too long in the pot. But for me this was the perfect pick-me-up: chocolate-flavored caffeine.

If you've never ventured into the world of tea, it can certainly be a bit overwhelming. Black, white, green, herbal - there are lots of options to choose from. Check out our article on The Truth About Tea for a full breakdown of the different types. Not all tea is caffeinated, so don't be intimidated by the manic nature of my post - feel free to stick to the herbal varieties where over-caffeination is not a risk.

Also, check out these teas that you can make at home:
Sugar-Free/Caffeine-Free Hot Spiced Tea Mix
Honey Apple Tea
Relaxing Tea Blend
Chai Tea
Spicy Green Tea